ADO banner

  The Australian Doctors Orchestra (ADO) is a unique national fellowship of medical professionals who are also classically trained musicians. Since our first concert in 1993, the orchestra has played a concert every year (except 2021) and in every state, using each occasion to raise funds for charity.

Up to 100 medical professionals from all around Australia share two days of final rehearsals culminating in a performance on a Sunday afternoon, featuring acclaimed soloists and providing exciting orchestral performances.

If you would like to learn more about how the ADO came to be, the founder of the ADO, Dr. Miklós Pohl, has just published his book 'Music is Medicine' with all proceeds benefitting the not-for-profit motor neurone disease support organisation MND Victoria. To read more about the book and order it, please click here.

  The Australian Doctor's Orchestra is very pleased to announce our concerts for 2025.

We will be performing in Geelong at the Christian College on Sunday, April 6 2025 at 2:30pm, under the baton of Ingrid Martin whom we are delighted to have conducting us again.

We will be playing:
  • Edward Fairlie - A Cloud of Dust and Fire
  • Finzi - Clarinet Concerto, Op. 31 with soloist Emily Treloar
  • Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5
All profits raised will benefit Gateways Support Services, a not-for-profit organisation supporting children and adults with a disability or additional needs.

You can purchase tickets through TryBooking - please note all ticket sales are managed by our charity.

But wait, there's more!

We will also be performing in Sydney on Sunday, 12 October 2025 at the Concourse, Chatswood.

As always, these concerts will be fundraisers for our nominated charities with whom discussions are being finalised - you can read more about them soon.

Please check back here for more details on both concerts as they become available, and for a link to ticket sales.

  Our orchestra

  Click here to see our concerts on YouTube. Don't forget to 'like' our Facebook page too!