Having had a strong interest in music from a young age, Dr. Miklós Pohl OAM (known as 'Miki' to all those around him) was
interested to learn that many of his medical colleagues were also musically inclined. And so, in 1993, the Australian Doctors Orchestra
was formed.
The orchestra is open to actively performing classical musical performers from all walks of medicine, including undergraduate students and
many different specialities, and performs in a different capital city each year, raising money for a different charity each time.
Miki's book, 'Music Is Medicine', is based on interviews he has conducted with 20 different orchestra members,
representing different instruments, ages and genders sprinkled with anecdotes from composers, conductors and performers. It is an opportunity
to get to know both Miki and also some of the diverse range of people who have come together to support this wonderful idea.
This book would be of interest to both ADO members and those with an interest in classical music.
Continuing in the generous tradition he started, Miki is kindly donating all proceeds to MND Victoria, a not-for-profit organisation
who supports Victorians living with motor neurone disease (MND).
To order:
Although there are a number of ways to purchase the book, in order to minimise administration costs (and hence maximize proceeds to MND Victoria)
Miki has asked that you do a direct transfer ($50 per copy) to:
BSB: 013-128
Account number: 659-766-207.
Important: After you have done the transfer, please email a copy of the receipt + your postal address details to Miki at mim@ado.net.au.
Miki has kindly offered to pay for the costs of postage to you himself.