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Christopher Martin ‘In the Middle of the Music’
  edited by Mary Ryllis Clark
   $34.95 • ISBN 978 1 921875 77 9

It was a sad day for music in Australia when Christopher Martin, highly respected and much loved musician and conductor, died of leukaemia in October 2011, aged 81.

Always a great raconteur, in the months before his death, Chris talked to writer Mary Ryllis Clark about his rich and varied life in Europe and Australia.

The resulting memoir, Christopher Martin ‘In the Middle of the Music’: Memoir and Memories, is poignant, entertaining and reflective about the intense world of music and musicians.

For more details and to order a copy, click here.

Photos, Videos and CDs

Roger Ellison of Video Media.
For orders of DVDs, VHS videos, or audio CDs of some ADO performances.
18 Boree Road, Forestville NSW 2087. Tel/Fax 02 99727457.
EMail: roger[at]

Australian Doctors Orchestras

Corpus Medicorum

NSW Doctors Orchestra

QLD Medical Orchestra

Australian Medical Students' Orchestra

Monash Medical Orchestra

Apollo Health Music Society
C/o School of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010
EMail: musicapollo[at]

Doctors Orchestras around the World

World Doctors Orchestra

European Doctors Orchestra - founded by our very own founder Miki Pohl!

New Zealand Doctors Orchestra

Irish Doctors Orchestra, also on Twitter or Instagram

Texas Medical Centre Orchestra

Doctors Orchestra, New York

Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra

Other Music Groups and Festivals

Melbourne International Brass Festival (Sep 28 - Oct 4, 2008)

Australian Trumpet Guild

International Trumpet Guild The 2008 Guild Conference is being held in Banff. Go here for details. Note that the 2010 Conference will be held in Sydney.

The Norwood Symphony Orchestra (Adelaide) need more brass (and string) players.

ACMP (Amateur Chamber Music Players).
This organisation, based in New York, lists keen amateurs (world-wide) wishing to play with others who are travelling. There is a USA and an International register so once you have joined and you are going to Poland for example, you can make contact ahead and arrange to have a play.

The Dublin Chamber Music Group

The Australia and New Zealand Viola Society

A list of string quartets around the world.

Amateur Chamber Music Society

Victorian Amateur Chamber Music Society

Associated Chamber Music Players of South Australia

Flute Societies -
Flute Society of NSW
Flute Society of SA
Victorian Flute Guild

Chamber Music Summer School at Mount Buller - this is where the idea of ADO was first 'conceived'!

Australian Music Therapy Association

Online Music Shops

Shar Music, excellent string shop in the US. Catalog worth having, sent free.

Maestronet, "the" string players' paradise with auction prices, gallery of instruments and bows for sale and lots more (US)

Instrument Specific Sites

Synthetic Bows

Musical Holidays

Vivienne Pittendrigh's "Chamber music Holidays and Festivals". Miki Pohl went on this for his 50th (Prague) in '97.

Marvellous chamber music Holidays in Provence


The BBC Music Magazine